expanded skin meaning in Chinese
- Therefore maintaining a long period is necessary important for the expanded skin
因此扩张后维持相当的时间是必须的。 - The following items and data analysis are measured on the second stage surgery : ( 1 ) the area of the expanded skin . ( 2 ) comparison with the rapid and the conventional expansion . ( 3 ) tension of skin in vivo
在二期手术时进行如下的实验检测和数据分析: ( 1 )测量扩张皮肤的面积( 2 )常规扩张和快速扩张( 3 )在体皮肤的张力( 4 )皮肤的即时回缩率( 5 )组织学检查( 6 )皮肤的胶原含量( 7 )皮肤的生物力学特性,包括强度、应力应变关系、应力松弛、蠕变。 - Through the research of the tension in vivo , the immediate retraction rate and histology examination about the different ways and different maintaining , we get : the increase area of the rapid and conventional expansion has little difference with the expanded time ; however it has significant difference with the maintaining time . it shows that shortening the expanded time is feasible in clinic , but shortening the maintaining time is out of the question ; after the capsule is removed , immediate retraction rate of the expanded skin notably decreased , significantly different from those with intact capsule ; the collagen content of the rapid expansion is just the same as the conventional expansion , but the changes of the histology dependences on the maintaining time . comparison with conventional expansion , rapid expansion has no significant drawback ; maintaining a period after expansion can greatly increase the area of expanded skin and reduce immediate retraction
通过对不同扩张期、不同方式和不同维持期对扩张皮肤的在体张力、即时回缩和皮肤组织学的研究,得到:快速扩张和常规扩张最后获取的皮瓣,面北京工业大学工学博士学位论文一积增加差别不大;扩张皮肤的面积增加和张力下降与维持期的长短有关;而与扩张期的长短关系不大,说明在皮肤扩张术中可以缩短注水时间,但是维持时间不能缩短;扩张皮肤去除包膜后的即时回缩率下降,与未去除包膜的相比较有明显差异;快速扩张皮肤的胶原含量变化与常规扩张的基本一致,扩张皮肤的组织学变化与维持期的关系较为密切,与扩张方式关系不大;快速扩张和常规扩张相比,快速扩张没有明显的破坏作用;扩张结束后,维持一段时间,能有效的提高扩张面积且能有效地减少回缩。 - Using biomechanics methods , through the study of the influence of different injection and maintain period on the expansion efficacy and shrinkage rate of skin , a rapid expansion method with relatively big expansion area is proposed ; biomechanics analysis in vivo is been made on the expanded skin ; comparing the biomechanics property in vitro of the rapid expansion and conventional expansion with different maintaining times , the parameters such as strength , stress - strain relationship , stress relaxation and creep which reflect the characteristic of the expanded skin have been obtained ; making the research of the expanded skin ' s biomechanics changes at different stage after grafting , the long - term and short term diversified regular has been obtained ; making experimental study and discussing the changes in the microcirculation and vessel structure of exceedingly expanded shin , the relationship between survival length of flap and the changes has been gotten